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Distance and Time


I keep noticing a trend, yet this is something that I have somewhat limited control over. If I could do it my way, I would not want to take on a constant long-distance scenario more open to a short distance. However, you can’t help liking who you like, and the gap exists when the commute is over 60 minutes.  There are narratives that long-distance situations do not work out. What makes any distance so hard? You are both saying interested, yet once there is some distance, time becomes unaffordable or elusive eventually.  

I remembered her, the small steps. Now, she is so grown, where did the time go? The more she grows up, I see aspects of myself within her: feisty, smart, confident, and a leader in her rights. Time is not waiting, life continues, but distance should not be an excuse why we don’t make much of the time given.  

When I pause to reflect on her, I am pleased with how things are at this point despite challenges. Most of my family was distant, but I still felt like my daughter grew up directly with them. I invested the time to improve the communication; this was to make sure the distance would be a lesser factor. 

My observation and in discussion with others, distance with adults are so much different than with children. Yes, I understand there would be a difference, but the common factor remains I am using the same tools. The children of today tend to be so focused and utilize all the different forms of social media. They make everything that once seems so impractical fun.  

We have so much to learn from them.  I watch my daughter play a game with players from all over, e.g., building a dollhouse. Not only did they create, but they live in it and check in on each other very often for a few hours. 

COVID taught us so much about the essence of the virtual platform. Many lives and businesses continued thanks to Teams and Zoom. What are the excuses now that we see the world differently? Distance should be relative if you do care about someone? Why not take something from the children, let’s try to make it fun and open our imagination while you’re in a distant setting.  Time is not waiting; do not lose out on something great because of the distance. Agree? 


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